Come and discover Emmeti Store Turin Our shop is open to the public from Monday to Friday, opening from 7:00 in the morning.

Emmeti Store Turin

You will find our experts for every sector, from construction sector to theworkwear, up to the Power tools. Furthermore, in Emmeti you can find the system tintometric Fassa Bortolo.

Emmeti Power Tools

A wide range of Power Tools chosen from the best brands on the market. Bosch, Festool, Leica, Makita, Spit and many more.
Offers and advantageous prices on many of the products available for immediate delivery.

Emmeti Construction

Are you a professional? You are in the right place, you will find premixed And plasterboard, you can also choose direct delivery to the construction site.

Emmeti Colors

The system tintometric Fassa Bortolo It is one of the most advanced in the sector, choose your internal or external colour, we will prepare it for you on the spot.

Emmeti Workwear

Buy online and collect in store workwear and safety clothing: shoes, trousers, jeans, Bermuda shorts and much more.

Emmeti Insulating

A wide range of insulating materials, ready and available in stock, at advantageous prices.