
Gold counterframe

19 products

View 1 - 19 Of 19 products

Buy online on Emmeti Store the counterframe of the Scrigno Essential range. The minimum contribution for a door or a Scrigno counterframe is 50 € and changes according to the number of products chosen. 

View 1 - 19 Of 19 products
Controtelaio Scrigno Gold Intonaco 105mm h2100
PriceStarting from $329.00
Bald Gold Nonetto Inconares 105mm H2100SCRIGNO Delivery in 8/10 days
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Controtelaio Scrigno Gold Cartongesso h2100
PriceStarting from $341.00
Scrignio Gold Plasterboard H2100SCRIGNO Delivery in 8/10 days
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Controtelaio Scrigno Gold Pratico Intonaco 170mm h2100
PriceStarting from $808.00
Bald Gold Practical Practical Nonetonian 170mm H2100SCRIGNO Delivery in 8/10 days
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Controtelaio Scrigno Gold Cartongesso 125mm h2100
PriceStarting from $341.00
Bald Gold Plasterboard 125mm H2100SCRIGNO Delivery in 8/10 days
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Controtelaio Scrigno Gold Remix Intonaco 105mm H2100
PriceStarting from $726.00
Scrignio Gold Remix counterframe 105mm H2100 plasterSCRIGNO Delivery in 8/10 days
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Controtelaio Scrigno Gold Applauso Doppia Anta Intonaco 170mm H2100
Controtelaio Scrigno Gold Intonaco 105mm h2400
PriceStarting from $548.00
Bald Gold Nonetto Inconares 105mm H2400SCRIGNO Delivery in 8/10 days
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Controtelaio Scrigno Gold Armonico Anta Doppia Intonaco 105mm H2100
Controtelaio Scrigno Gold Armonico Intonaco 105mm H2100
PriceStarting from $726.00
Chestnut Scrignio Gold Harmony plaster 105mm H2100SCRIGNO Delivery in 8/10 days
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Controtelaio Scrigno Gold Applauso Intonaco 170mm H2100
PriceStarting from $579.00
Bon -courses Scrignio Gold Applause plaster 170mm H2100SCRIGNO Delivery in 8/10 days
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Controtelaio Scrigno Gold Granluce Cartongesso 190mm h2100
PriceStarting from $834.00
Bald Granluce Granluce Plasterboard 190mm H2100SCRIGNO Delivery in 8/10 days
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Controtelaio Scrigno Gold Granluce Doppia Anta Cartongesso 190mm h2100
PriceStarting from $1,664.00
Bald Gold Granluce Scrignio Double Cartboard Anta 190mm H2100SCRIGNO Delivery in 8/10 days
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Controtelaio Scrigno Gold Anta Doppia Granluce Intonaco 170mm h2100
PriceStarting from $1,385.00
Bon -courses Scrigno Gold Double granuce Anta plaster 170mm H2100SCRIGNO Delivery in 8/10 days
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Controtelaio Scrigno Gold Granluce Intonaco 170mm h2100
PriceStarting from $692.00
Bald Golds Granluce Plaster Century 170mm H2100SCRIGNO Delivery in 8/10 days
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Controtelaio Scrigno Gold Intonaco 90mm h2100
PriceStarting from $329.00
Scrignio Gold counterframe intonaco 90mm H2100SCRIGNO Delivery in 8/10 days
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Controtelaio Scrigno Gold Intonaco 145mm h2100
PriceStarting from $355.00
Bon -courses Scrignio Gold International 145mm H2100SCRIGNO Delivery in 8/10 days
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Controtelaio Scrigno Gold Intonaco 125mm h2100
PriceStarting from $350.00
Bald Gold Nonetho Conduct 125mm H2100SCRIGNO Delivery in 8/10 days
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Controtelaio Scrigno Gold Anta Doppia Intonaco h2100
PriceStarting from $663.00
Bald Gold Counterfall Double Anta Inland H2100SCRIGNO Delivery in 8/10 days
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Controtelaio Scrigno Gold Anta Doppia Cartongesso h2100
PriceStarting from $681.00
Bald Gold Bon Corte Consumer Double Plasterboard H2100SCRIGNO Delivery in 8/10 days
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Gold counterframe